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Passion Capital: Why I'm Here

In my short 32 years on this planet, I've been fortunate enough to have experienced a number of life lessons (and I hope to experience many more).  I've always been a spender, not necessarily a shopper, but I love experiences and love spending money.  When I was in my late teens and twenties this wasn't always the healthiest thing. 


There is a saying that goes "Why are you spending money you don't have, to impress people you don't even like".  For me, this turned into "Why am I spending money I don't need to, to try and impress people who don't care, and who like me for me". After growing up, actually making a little money, and spending some time by myself (and with a therapist) to unpack what is for me, and what is for other people, I've finally found a spot that I'm comfortable in.


For this website, I'm excited to create a space where I can share some of the experiences and learnings I've had over the years, and chart out a journey for where this thing called life might actually take me.


Come hang out and share on this journey with me.  Looking forward to the next adventure.





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